Questions with the keyword 'alien'
Have you seen anything that could possibly prove that there is life on other planets?
by iaaukadmin and 5 others. to Rochelle, Michaela, Camilla, Beth, Adrian
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Does space look like you imagined it if it doesn’t what does it look like and have you seen any aliens yet on you
by iaaukadmin to Rochelle, Michaela, Camilla, Beth, Adrian
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What actions would you take if you saw any extra terrestrial life?
by iaaukadmin to Rochelle, Michaela, Camilla, Beth, Adrian
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technically if you threw a rock at a building could you blame aliens as an unidentified flying object (ufo) just hit it
by TR-8R to Rochelle, Michaela, Camilla, Beth, Adrian
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are there aliens in space ???
by queenb07 and 4 others. to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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what do aliens look like
by queenb07 to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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do alines that bleed acid exist
by Space DUDE! to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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If you saw a type of alien bacteria what would you name it if given the chance(more over what would you do with the
by TR-8R to Delma
Comments: (So far, one comment )
What would you say if you were to be the first person to make contact with another species while you were on your
by Aliens are better than yo to Steve, Shefali, Kevin, Katie, Floris, Delma
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1111 : delma, do you thimk it is possible for the bacteria currently in space to evolve into aliens?
by 1111 to Delma
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