
Shefali Sharma
Curriculum Vitae
Cranfield University (2012-2014), University of Highlands and Islands (2008-2011)
MAsters in Space Engineering and Astronautics
Work History:
Previously, I worked for Mobile Ltd. as business analysit and research assistant
Current Job:
I am an engineer and also a part of the business development team
Oxford Space Systems
My work
I am a rocket scientist and I work with the guys who make spacecrafts :)
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I did my under-graduation from University of Highlands and Islands in Scotland in Aircraft Engineering. I worked as an apprentice, doing maintenance on small aircrafts at Scone Airport. I did my masters in Space Engineering and Astronautics from Cranfield University. I began working with Oxford Space Systems 2 months ago, where I work with the CEO of the company supporting him in client meetings and doing market research.
My Typical Day
My typical day is filled with customer meetings, replying to emails and writing bids.
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I start my work at 9 am and always get pulled in for meetings. When I find some time, I will check emails and get on with my ‘priority’ tasks of the day. I then have lunch and take care of the secondary tasks. I usually joke around a lot in the office and when the clock strikes 5:30 pm, I go back to my house for an energy boost for my next day 🙂
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Ambitious, Competent and Hard-working
What was your favourite subject at school?
I have always enjoyed Mathematics and Biology.
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I was always in trouble at school and still am with my current headmaster (my boss – CEO)
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I came to the UK when I was 17 yrs old on my own and have had one heck of a roller coaster ride since :D