
Jon Farrow
Curriculum Vitae
McMaster University – 2010-2014 ; University of Edinburgh – 2014-2015
Bachelor of Arts & Science, Masters in Science Communication & Public Engagement
Work History:
National and Provincial parliaments in Canada as a tour guide, McMaster University, the Edinburgh International Science Festival
Current Job:
Royal Institution
My work
CHRISTMAS LECTURES Assistant at the Royal Insitution – helped to coordinate all the demonstrations and guests.
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According to the Ri, “the CHRISTMAS LECTURES Assistant assists with preparations for the creation, development and implementation of the CHRISTMAS LECTURES. The role involves working with a very broad range of people including academic researchers, TV production staff, multi-media content developers, science communication professionals and an ‘assortment of kids, animals and unpredictable props’. ”
I focused on astrobiology in undergrad and just spent a year in Edinburgh studying Science Communication and Public Engagement. I’m a big fan of all things space.
My Typical Day
It’s hard to say. Most days involve thinking up demonstrations, building said demonstrations, and asking people for favours.
My Interview
What was your favourite subject at school?
Drama and Science
What did you want to be after you left school?
I didn’t know. Still don’t. Something fun!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really. Goody two-shoes over here.
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Set fire to biscuits soaked in liquid oxygen