Questions Answered by Adrian
Do you think jobs involved science are interesting ?
by anastazja to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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how does a space ship stay the the air and go where they want it to ?
by kayleighxox to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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do u go a bit crazy in space
by emh4 and 2 others. to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Jean-François, Claudie, Beth, Adrian
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Is the gravity strong on the moon?
by teddygibson2696 to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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what team do you support?
by reddevil to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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What do you like in science ?
by anastazja to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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how old are you ?
by ladykelz and 2 others. to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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Can u play football in your rocket?
by reddevil to Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Jean-François, Claudie, Beth, Adrian
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is it boring
by iaaukadmin and 3 others. to Steve, Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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What happens when you go for a space walk ?
by iaaukadmin to Steve, Rochelle, Julia, Jon F, Beth, Adrian
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