Questions Answered by Camilla
What happens to hair and nail growth in space? Who does the hair cuts and what happens to the trimmings?
by iaaukadmin to Kevin, Katie, Julia, Jean-François, Floris, Delma, Claudie, Camilla
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Did your faith change or become strong based on what you see on outside of Earth?
by iaaukadmin and 1 other.
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How does the airplane not stall on the nose-up part of the parabolic flights?
by iaaukadmin
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Does the spine decompress in zero gravity, do the astronauts come back taller, and by how much?
by iaaukadmin and 1 other.
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what does it feel like when you are in space , and do you ever have practise missions , if so how do you prepare.
by s1377 and 6 others. to Kevin, Katie, Jon, Jean-François, Floris, Delma, Claudie, Camilla, Beth, Adrian
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How will non-scientists become astronauts and contribute to the understanding of living and working in space? I
by iaaukadmin to Steve, Rochelle, Kevin, Katie, Jon, Jean-François, Floris, Claudie, Camilla, Beth
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Is it possible for humans that live in space to become infected by microbes on other planets and what type of pathogens
by iaaukadmin
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how long would you have to stay in space for.
by s1377 and 3 others.
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What would you do if you had toothache?
by iaaukadmin to Kevin, Katie, Jon, Jean-François, Floris, Delma, Claudie, Camilla, Beth, Adrian
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Is there a way we can create artificial gravity in space?
by iaaukadmin to Steve, Rochelle, Kevin, Katie, Jon, Camilla, Beth, Delma, Floris, Jean-François
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