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My Answered Questions
What happens to the space industry now we’ve left the EU? Can we still be a member of the ESA?
What would you like to do/ where would you like to be in 10 years?
When Tim sleeps in the lab at the ESA, what are you measuring?
What do you think drives astronauts to spend long periods of time away from our planet?
From your education section on your CV, it sounds like you’ve been travelling loads! Was that a specific decision you
If you could change one thing about science, what would it be?
Where does the capsule that Tim landed in go now?
When Tim did his space walk, the other Tim got water in his helmet, has the problem been resolved, could it happen
Why do you think women aren’t as interested in space as men? (Stereotypically)
I heard Tim talk about cosmic rays on his eyes (perhaps when they’re sleeping), what are they and how does it effect