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My Answered Questions
What is the seed that will most likely grow best in space? Could any Mutations occur to Further that growth?
How thick will the camera lenses have to be so they aren’t damaged with the pressure and gravity changes?
What is the most dangerous thing about entering orbit? Are there any that Tim Peake Could be subjected to?
What do the astronauts do on long missions to prevent boredom? Rock papers scissors has to lose its appeal eventually.
Who has the most important job on Tim Peake’s Team, apart from Tim himself.
How big is the ISS?
Does any part of the body grow in space, apart from the Spine. (I know about the spine in 0 gravity lengthening.)
How expensive is it to send a Human into space? does the proportions of the person matter?
Did Alan Shephard get a hole in one in 1971? I can’t seem to find his score online.