Questions Answered by RocketRich
How long was toms space walk?
How is life on the iss
Were were you when Tim was being launched of into space ?
by bluemarshmellos to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich
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What would happen if you were sick in Neptune an there was no doctor around
by bluemarshmellos to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich
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Why is the water in space in a bubble? I know there is no gravity, but I don’t see how anti-gravity would cause this.
by Octotiger🐙🐯 to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich
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Is space flat or curved?
by Lebron James to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich
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which planet/moon do you think is most likely to have life on it other than earth
by mboromax to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich
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When will humans start to expand the international space station like a more labs and solar panels ETC
by Bennerf920 to RocketRich, Jenn, Floris, Elie, Col Op
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Can you write in pen in space
by RealDaringNote62 to RocketRich, Jenn, Floris, Elie, Col Op
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What caused a planet to crash into Earth and create the Moon?
by T-Dog to RocketRich
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How old were you when you first through a telescope????
by Bennerf920 to RocketRich, Jenn, Floris, Elie, Col Op
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Is there any other famous astronauts you have trained?
by BB-8 and 1 other. to RocketRich
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