• Question: @Julia I am considering a PhD in physics once I have finished my A-levels (obviously after a masters) - what advice would you give me to make my life easier or to prepare me?

    Asked by morganlane to Julia on 21 Jan 2016.
    • Photo: Julia Attias

      Julia Attias answered on 21 Jan 2016:

      Hi @morgan thanks for following up.

      I would advise you to try and undertake as much research experience as you can. Typically this will only start when you do your undergraduate degree, but try and volunteer to do some work in labs to start your experience early. This will set you in good stead. The more research experience you have, the better equipped you will be to pursue a Doctorate; after all, its 3-4 years of your own research!

      Learn to be continuously curious; its that that will make you want to get out of bed in the mornings. Learn how to be self-motivated and self-disciplined; no-one is your “boss”. You have supervisors, but the onus is on you to come in and do your work, so you have to want to do that. If you can start embedding those traits into yourself now I think you will be in a better position.

      I hope that helps! Good luck!
