• Question: what subjects and qualifications do I need to go to space

    Asked by sammy242113 to Anne, Beth, COLFlight, Jon, Tom on 7 Oct 2015. This question was also asked by SpaldingHighSchool9S, 11CSpaldingHS.
    • Photo: Beth Healey

      Beth Healey answered on 7 Oct 2015:

      Hey Sammy!

      Here is a link explaining how to apply to be an astronaut! Good luck! 🙂


    • Photo: Columbus Flight Directors

      Columbus Flight Directors answered on 8 Oct 2015:

      Simon: Hey Sammy! Good question! Astronauts tend to be picked from three main areas:

      – Military/Civilian Pilots
      – Scientists including Medical Doctors
      – Engineers

      Your best way to become an astronaut is to be at least one of these. Astronauts are usually very clever people; some of them are even more than one of these! If you can be then you have an even better chance!

      Currently Space Agencies tend to choose the first and second categories over the third.

      But Ill leave you with this last thought: I wanted to go into space ever since I was 8years old. When I was your age I thought I had to do Maths, Physics, Chemistry etc to work in Space and be an Astronaut! But when I got to University and started actually working in the space industry I realised that there are so many other people working in space too: Lawyers, Architects, Economists, Teachers even Artists!

      So my advice to you would be this. Do what you really want to do and (if you want) see how that could apply to space – youll be surprised that it actually can! Also if Humans start to colonize the rest of the Solar system we will need to send all kinds of people into space! Good Luck!
