I think that the seeds mission is such an interesting project because if we find that we are able to grow plants in space then we can be self sufficient for food on long duration spaceflight missions, which can help us travel further!
Anne is the expert on the seeds mission though so I will let her answer you in full!
I think we should do the seeds project here at Concordia too! I haven’t seen any fresh fruit or vegetables since February!! Would love an apple right now! 😉
Two kilograms of rocket (salad) seeds will fly inside the ISS for several months before they will travel back to Earth. They will then be sent to schools where pupils will grow them next to rocket seeds that have not been on the ISS. If the rocket plants grown from space seeds grow the same as the rocket plants grown from seeds that have stayed on Earth, then it means that the astronauts on the ISS can safely use seeds on the ISS to grow salads in space: even if the seeds have been on the ISS for a long time.
Maybe soon they will be eating rocket salad! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33854240