• Question: Can you get WiFi in the satellites?

    Asked by Daimena to Anne, Beth, COLFlight, Jon, Tom on 7 Oct 2015.
    • Photo: Columbus Flight Directors

      Columbus Flight Directors answered on 7 Oct 2015:

      Yes, the International Space Station has free WiFi for all its guests!
      When Tim will fly and live in it, he will be able to surf the internet from his tablet or his laptop using the free WiFi that is kindly offered by NASA! 🙂

    • Photo: Beth Healey

      Beth Healey answered on 8 Oct 2015:

      The same is true for in Antarctica, we have WiFi here. I also have whatsapp!

      During our winter Astro Samantha gave us a tour of the ISS through a live video link which was made possible because of the internet connection!!
