0 Question: What is FRED Keywords: FRED Asked by Reo jensen to Kirsty, Andrea, Charlie 🚀, Col Op, Vinita on 17 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by E.T., 759tch48.
Kirsty Lindsay answered on 17 Jun 2016:
FRED is an exercise machine, there are pictures of FRED on my profile. We have 2 FREDs in the lab- FRED and FREDA 🙂
Andrea Boyd answered on 20 Jun 2016:
Nothing that I work with 🙂
Reo jensen commented on 17 Jun 2016:
are they bf and gf or brother and sister
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Kirsty commented on 17 Jun 2016:
Brother and Sister
dat boi commented on 23 Jun 2016:
Georges brother
Reo jensen commented on :
are they bf and gf or brother and sister
Kirsty commented on :
Brother and Sister
dat boi commented on :
Georges brother