Question: Is it true that in the centre of our Galixy their is a super massive black hole? and if their is then why isn't it swallowing us up?
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Asked by Swaga to Andrea, Charlie 🚀, Col Op, Kirsty, Vinita on 19 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by EvilPossum123.Question: Is it true that in the centre of our Galixy their is a super massive black hole? and if their is then why isn't it swallowing us up?
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295tch32 commented on :
hi simon
295tch32 commented on :
is your job good
295tch32 commented on :
what is your job
Andrea commented on :
Simon was a Flight Director for many years and now he is even higher up – he became a Mission Director! He does all the big picture direction and big decisions for the European astronaut missions and European science on the International Space Station. (He’s also British!)