• Question: If Canis majoris (the star) is bigger than Sagittarius A the super massive blackhole in the Centre of our milkyway... How can Sagittarius A's vacuum suck anything no matter what size it is. P.s hope you understand the question

    Asked by Spartan-117 to Andrea, Charlie 🚀, Col Op, Kirsty, Vinita on 12 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by AB.
    • Photo: Kirsty Lindsay

      Kirsty Lindsay answered on 12 Jun 2016:

      Thanks for the question John!

      Black holes are like the hoovers of the universe- their immense gravity pulls everything in, but,and here is the clever bit; they have an accretion disc before stuff actually falls into the hole. An accretion disc is a cloud of particles that have been pulled apart as they spiral in the black hole- meaning the big star would be pulled into tiny little bits before it got sucked in, hence size matters not 😉

    • Photo: Andrea Boyd

      Andrea Boyd answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      What Kristy said 🙂
