Questions Answered by RocketRich
What is the most interesting or mindboggling thing you’ve discovered
by Mantonious to Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich
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how does it feel to float (gravity)
by tom_morrissey7 and 1 other. to RocketRich, Jenn, Floris, Elie, Col Op
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have one of your engineered things been sent into space
by 834btr25 and 1 other. to Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich
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If we were to move around one metre out of the gouldy locks zone how would it affect us or will it effect us
by RealDaringNote62 to RocketRich, Jenn, Floris, Elie, Col Op
Comments: (So far, one comment )
Did Mars’ environment used to be like the Earth’s?
by 735btr45 to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich
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if Earth and Mars swapped places would it be possible to live on Mars
by RealDaringNote62 to RocketRich, Jenn, Floris, Elie, Col Op
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* does every black hole contain a singularity ?* does sound travel faster in space ?* what keeps space so
by bluemarshmellos and 1 other. to RocketRich, Jenn, Floris, Elie, Col Op
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If a baby was made and given birth to in space what do you think it would look like?
by pandalivv2005 and 3 others. to Jenn, Col Op, Elie, Floris, RocketRich
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Could a child go into space🙂
by KawaiiBunny5🐰 to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich
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If you went into space what would you pack?
I would pack:
1. My iPod touch
2. My Laptop
3. My Xbox
4. My
by Ella White and 3 others. to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich
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