• Question: What is the closest neutron star????

    Asked by Bennerf920 to RocketRich, Jenn, Floris, Elie, Col Op on 15 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Elie Allouis

      Elie Allouis answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      That is quite a specific and interesting question.

      I had to look it up as I have never asked myself the question. so will all credits going to http://www.space.com/4247-astronomers-find-closest-neutron-star.html
      …here is the answer:
      Back in 2007, astronomers using NASA’s Swift X-ray telescope have detected a neutron star within 250 to 1,000 light-years of Earth, making it the closest neutron star ever known. The object, located in the constellation Ursa Minor, is nicknamed Calvera, after the villain in the movie “The Magnificent Seven.”

      There is so many things to discover…you learn something everyday 😛
