• Question: What is it like working on projects which will have a big impact on everything?

    Asked by 229btr45 to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich on 11 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Columbus Operations

      Columbus Operations answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      It’s exciting! Working on a project like the ISS gives you the opportunity to be part of something which will have a real impact on science, engineering, and human history. I feel very honoured to be able to contribute something to this! There is also a feeling of responsibility and wanting to make sure that you always do your best. Knowing that I’m coming into work to do one of the coolest jobs in the world (well, I think it is) definitely makes getting up on a Monday morning a lot easier!

      One of my favourite parts of working on this project is the rest of the team. I work alongside some really amazing, motivated, and knowledgeable people. The team is very international – during today’s lunch break I think I heard half a dozen languages being spoken! Our team has members from at least 15 different countries. I think it’s very inspiring to work on a project with people who may have very different backgrounds and cultures, but all share the same passion and common goals. We’re all very proud to be making a contribution to human space exploration!


    • Photo: Jenn Wadsworth

      Jenn Wadsworth answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      It’s easy to get caught up in the details and day to day work involved. But it’s humbling and incredibly motivating to just stop every now and again and be like: ‘I work on space…and things that are in space..right now!’ 😀
