0 Question: Does the human bone structure stretch in space? And how much does it strech Keywords: bone, human, stretch, structure Asked by sciencedude to Jenn on 4 Mar 2016.
Jenn Wadsworth answered on 4 Mar 2016:
Well the recently returned Scott Kelly spent a year in space and he ‘stretched’ 2 inches in comparison to his twin brother on Earth 🙂
Floris commented on 4 Mar 2016:
It’s especially the disks in between the vertebra’s that are not compressed because of the lack of gravity. Astronauts ‘grow’ roughly 3% after a longer mission.
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Floris commented on :
It’s especially the disks in between the vertebra’s that are not compressed because of the lack of gravity. Astronauts ‘grow’ roughly 3% after a longer mission.