• Question: Do you like back to the future

    Asked by RealDaringNote62 to RocketRich, Jenn, Floris, Elie, Col Op on 9 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Elie Allouis

      Elie Allouis answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      The geek in me certainly does..
      ..it is a movie, but plays well with the cause/consequences of time travel and what would happen if you changed something in the past.
      …so far, in Physics, there is nothing to tell us that going to the past is impossible as the equations are valid both going forward and backward…

      Maybe at some point we will, but would we take the risk?
      …but if there is a flying car somewhere…I am in!

    • Photo: Jenn Wadsworth

      Jenn Wadsworth answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      Of course, classic 😉
