I think the others are better experts in this area than I, but as far as I understand it, there are two main effects!
– Your bones become brittle
– Your muscles become weaker
Both of these is because the body doesn’t have to work against gravity while they are up there. Astronauts do lots of exercise to stop this happening, but even so it’s not good.
In other ways though, I think astronauts are pretty OK in space! At the moment there are two astronauts who are living up there for a year to see what happens to them. In addition, there are studies being done in spacecraft simulators and here in Antarctica looking at the mental health of people who are stuck inside for months on end!!
Alex nailed two of the big problems for the human body in space! Two more are that you grow taller (no gravity so your spine, which is normally curved, expands a bit) and your face gets puffier while your legs get skinny (this is also because gravity helps keep fluid nicely distributed throughout the body). Sounds like fun! 😉