• Question: what do you think it will be like in space!?

    Asked by David123 to Andrew, Simon, Julia, Delma, Alex on 8 Dec 2015.
    • Photo: Julia Attias

      Julia Attias answered on 8 Dec 2015:

      Hey @David123,

      Well.. probably the greatest/hardest question of all to answer.

      I hear that unless you have been, you can think anything you like, but it will not even compare to what actually being in space is like.

      From what I hear from astronauts I have chatted with, being in space, and looking down at our planet, seeing it so small makes them realise how “fragile” it is, and how we have to make sure we take care of it to keep it safe. So I think you would end up with a much greater appreciation of Earth than you ever did before, and you would care more about things like deforestation and the Ozone layer.

      I think seeing those sunrises and sunsets from space and the beautiful Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights – the ones that shine bright green) if they are lucky must just be spellbinding.

      I think floating around would be really fun! Think of how many games you could come up with that just wouldn’t get boring?!

      Besides that, I think I would feel great pride in the work I would be doing for humanity, helping to figure out things that we don’t currently know so that we know more for the future of mankind than what we do now.

    • Photo: Andrew Winnard

      Andrew Winnard answered on 8 Dec 2015:

      Awesome question!

      I think its easier to SHOW you 🙂 so how about we take a little video trip to the international space station together…

      Here is how you eat in space:

      Here is you wash your hair in space:

      Here is how you sleep in space:

      After seeing this, what do YOU think it would be like in space? Fun or difficult? Post us a comment with what you thought to the videos! 🙂

    • Photo: Delma Childers

      Delma Childers answered on 9 Dec 2015:

      Awesome. 😉
