• Question: if you could relive any moment what would it be?

    Asked by molly to Simon, Julia, Delma, Andrew, Alex on 13 Dec 2015.
    • Photo: Andrew Winnard

      Andrew Winnard answered on 13 Dec 2015:

      I have chosen a space moment for you! Watching Andre Kuipers landing after 6 months on ISS, from the medical operations console at the European Astronaut Centre with the flight surgeons and biomedical engineers 🙂

    • Photo: Julia Attias

      Julia Attias answered on 14 Dec 2015:

      Good question!

      I was sitting in console in September, joining in with a conference call live to the ISS, to talk to Andreas Mogensen (ESA astronaut who wore the skinsuit I am working on in space foe the first time) about his mission so far. I would definitely love to do that again!

    • Photo: Delma Childers

      Delma Childers answered on 14 Dec 2015:

      I would relive my first weightless moments on the vomit comet flight. If I could relive the whole flight, I’d spend a lot more time in the free-floating zone and really take advantage of floating around and sitting on the ceiling of the plane. 😀
