• Question: Have You Ever Actually Been In Space?

    Asked by Max Tuckett to Simon, Julia, Delma, Andrew, Alex on 4 Dec 2015. This question was also asked by chloe, definitly not austin..., Holly, cmcgowan, space monkeys, Jeff888, x.Fatina.x.
    • Photo: Delma Childers

      Delma Childers answered on 4 Dec 2015:

      No. 🙁 But I have experienced 0g, or weightlessness. 🙂

    • Photo: Andrew Winnard

      Andrew Winnard answered on 4 Dec 2015:

      Only in simulators!! When I worked at the astronaut centre I got to go in sim to have a go at driving the same spaceship Tim will be using! One thing I found really fun is that you cant actually see out the front through any windows! Instead its a bit like a submarine and they have a periscope that sticks out the bottom. So you have to remember your looking out a little scope from the bottom of the ship and that your actually higher up than you think! I alsmost crashed into the space station a few times when I forgot that. Because there are not many windows, it was also easy to loose track (and sight in the periscope) of where the space station was, so I nearly got lost in space too! Luckily Tim will have had much more practice in the sim than I did before he flies his spaceship for real!

      If any of you play Elite Dangerous the computer game – flying the real spaceship is quite a lot like flying the elite spaceships with flight assist turned off and using a periscope to see out!

      It is practice for going to space that makes astronauts good at what they do! Thats why space sims are so important!

      Fianlly – I’d love to goto space if I could!

    • Photo: Alexander Finch

      Alexander Finch answered on 7 Dec 2015:

      Hello! No, not me, sadly. Very few people have – the very lucky ones 🙂

      Like Andrew, I have had a taste of being in space through computer games and simulators. We have a basic Soyuz simulator here on our base, which is cool, but not as good as the real thing!

    • Photo: Julia Attias

      Julia Attias answered on 7 Dec 2015:

      Hi @max tuckett, @568nch28, @strawhataustin and @685nch28,

      No, never, but as Delma I have also been on a paraboliv flight (vomit comet :p ) and so have experienced in total around 11 minutes of weightlessness!
