• Question: do you like chemistry, biology or physics better

    Asked by rosie to Delma, Simon, Julia, Andrew, Alex, Simon, Julia, Delma, Andrew, Alex on 7 Dec 2015. This question was also asked by catlover2332, xbox1.
    • Photo: Delma Childers

      Delma Childers answered on 7 Dec 2015:

      I like all of those subjects, but I think my ranking would be: 1) Biology, 2) Chemistry, and 3) Physics. I’m very good at Biology and I’ve trained to be a microbiologist, so of course that’s first. Chemistry has helped me blow up gummy bears, so that’s second. And I work in a Physics department and have a lot of physicist friends, so that’s third.

      What about you 897nch28 – do you like chemistry, biology or physics more?
